Monday, July 28, 2008

Plugin Galaxy v.1.5 for Photoshop

wallpapers pictures

Plugin Galaxy - is a set of 21 plug to do 150 different effects from classical style to design creative photographs.

Plugin Galaxy supports the work with Adobe Photoshop, Paintshop Pro and Photo-Paint in the operating systems Windows, MacOS 9 and MacOS X. Plugin Galaxy also very correctly works with another 20 graphics packages.

A brief description of filters Plugin Galaxy:

Alpha Tool-manipulated alpha-channel
Bluuur - creates various effects razmyvki
Breakfast - creates a different texture
Coolorize - manipulates color images
Cryptology - allows kriptovat and dekriptovat images in 64 bits
Edge Tool - many variations borders • Feedback - circular frame effects nesting
Fusion - the effects of metal, chrome and neon
Glass - steklopodobnye effects
Grid - various effects nets
Instant Mirror - various mirror effects
Noiseee - various effects of noise
Pop Art - stylization effects of pop culture
Rainbow - various effects rainbow
Sunshine - effects of sunset and clear weather
Star - effects stars
Synthesizer - synthetic patterns similar effects starogotelevideniya
Warp 1 - various effects curved
2 Warp - additional effects curved
Zoom - effect

To install the plug doing the following:

– Open the archive, open the folder “Panopticum Plugin Galaxy v1.5 for Photoshop Retail”. Starting when installing the plug-and points the way:
C: Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Plug-Ins
To install. Then (after installation) to open the archive folder “PluginGalaxy15″ and all filters in kopirum
C: Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Plug-InsPluginGalaxy15
with the mandatory replacement of all of them.

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