Sunday, July 20, 2008

MySQL And Java Developer’s Guide (with source code)

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Have you ever been assigned a project and realized that you had no idea how you were going to accomplish it? Many developers have experienced this feeling when asked to interface their code with a database.

With a few exceptions, most developers were busy learning Lisp, linked lists, and big-O notation during their formal education instead of learning the fundamentals of relationship database management systems. When the time comes to interface their code with a database, they turn to a book like the one you are holding.

Whatever the situation, interfacing an application to a database is one of the most fundamental tasks a developer is required to perform. This book is designed for developers who either have a pressing task ahead of them or who are curious about how to read database information into their application.

The primary goal of this book is to provide a comprehensive approach to writing code from a Java application to a MySQL database using the industry standard: JDBC. As you will see later in this Introduction, the chapter titles indicate what area of database connectivity and manipulation they cover. The chapters are ordered to reflect the JDBC specification, but we aren’t here to simply describe the specification.


Chapter 01 - An Overview of MySQL
Chapter 02 - JDBC and Connector/J
Chapter 03 - Working with MySQL SQL
Chapter 04 - Installing MySQL, Java, and Connector/J
Chapter 05 - Using JDBC with Java Applications and Applets
Chapter 06 - Achieving Advanced Connector/J Functionality with Servlets
Chapter 07 - MySQL Type Mapping
Chapter 08 - Transactions and Table Locking with Connector/J
Chapter 09 - Using Metadata
Chpater 10 - Connection Pooling with Connector/J
Chapter 11 - EJBs with MySQL
Chapter 12 - Building a General Interface for MySQL
Chapter 13 - Database Administration
Chapter 14 - Performance and Tuning
Appendix A - MySQL Development and Test Environments
Appendix B - Databases and Tables
Appendix C - The JDBC API and Connector/J
Appendix D - MySQL Functions and Operators
Appendix E - Connector/J Late-Breaking Additions

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